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When is World Cancer Day?

Feb 3, 2020.

World Cancer Day is an annual event aimed at highlighting the devastating effect the disease can have on anyone’s life.


Worldwide cancer statistics from Cancer Research UK reported 17 million new cases across the globe in 2018. In the same year, there were 9.6 million cancer-related deaths. And 33% of all cancer cases in that year were linked to smoking or exposure to smoke.

The rate of cancer is rising, and it’s a disease that does not discriminate. Rich, poor, young or old, everyone can be at risk from cancer. That’s why we think it’s important to raise awareness for events like World Cancer Day.
This international day that takes place on February 4th every year spreads the message about encouraging prevention, detection, and treatment. It is organised by the Union for International Cancer Control, and health organisations and charities from every continent join forces to promote its importance. Leading charity Cancer Research UK and the NHS work hard to raise awareness of this disease and look for as many people to get involved in some way so that more funding can be raised.
World Cancer Day 2020 invites hospitals, GP clinics, health centres, locum doctors and nurses, and other medical professionals to take part in this global campaign.

About the event

Looking for more information on this global event? Here’s everything there is to know…

When is World Cancer Day 2020?

Tuesday, 4th February

Who’s involved?

  • NHS
  • Cancer Research UK
  • Children with Cancer UK
  • CLIC Sargent
  • Macmillan
  • Stand Up to Cancer

(Just to name a few.)

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What’s the World Cancer Day ribbon?

The World Cancer Day ribbon is a symbol that is used to promote the event. There are many ribbons that have been used across the globe, with different colours to represent different types of cancer. For instance, the pink ribbon is associated with breast cancer while the orange ribbon is associated with child cancer awareness. Pin badges have been worn for years by patients, survivors or those affected by cancer in other ways.

What’s the World Cancer Day Unity Band?

These are bands worn around the wrist that support the cause with every purchase. They are great for spreading the word and showing support, and can be purchased from the Cancer Research UK website. The suggested donation is £2 per band.

World Cancer Day 2020 – how to get involved

One in two people will be affected by cancer at some point in their lives. It’s a disease that doesn’t discriminate, and can affect every race, religion, class and age. Some of the biggest factors of survival include prevention, early detection and having access to treatment. This is why we’re big supporters of this day.
If you would like to get involved, here are some of the ways you can do it:

  • Buy a Unity Band and promote the campaign by wearing it with pride
  • Donate money to cancer charities in the UK
  • Fundraise by organising and event, doing a run or holding a coffee morning / bake sale
  • Help to promote relevant campaigns on social media by sharing, liking and reposting
  • Share your own personal story about cancer with others and help people get educated about the risks

Why should you get involved?

There are many reasons to get involved this year. Not only is cancer a global challenge, but it affects those who are closest to us. People working in the medical profession are not immune either, and are often sufferers themselves. Not only should doctors and health workers educate their patients about cancer detection, but they should remember to take care of themselves too.
We recruit and place thousands of medical staff each year for the NHS, so we know how hard people work in healthcare. Often preoccupied with caring for others, it can be easy to look after your own health and wellbeing.
By participating in World Cancer Day 2020, you can remind colleagues and other people in the NHS to be aware of the potential cancer risks. From cutting down alcohol, eating a healthy and balanced diet and quitting smoking to going to the gym, there are many ways we can keep our bodies healthy.

Cancer and the NHS

The NHS is one of the best healthcare systems in the world. We are very lucky in the UK to have access to such amazing free healthcare, which is what makes working as a medical professional such a rewarding job. Cancer outcomes have significantly improved over the years in the NHS and despite the rise in global cancer cases, survival rates have never been higher.
The NHS works to diagnose earlier and faster to ensure that everyone has a better chance of beating cancer. And by sharing important knowledge, together we can reduce the cancers caused by behavioral, lifestyle and environmental factors. So, support our National Health Service in the fight against cancer and find ways to increase awareness of this charitable day.
If you’re interested in keeping up to date on ways you can help and support the medical world, check into the ID Medical blog.

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