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Wearing It Yellow for The Bubble Foundation

Mar 30, 2015.

Every March, staff at ID Medical ‘Wear it Yellow’ in support of The Bubble Foundation and Seth Lane.


Seth, who lives in a ‘bubble’ and has no immune system, is battling Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID) and on 11 March, sent a heart-breaking YouTube appeal for the world to wear his favourite colour yellow.

Seth’s godfather, who is a recruitment consultant working in ID Medical’s Doctors division, encouraged the workforce to get involved and show their support for Seth, to help make a difference and raise awareness of SCID. On the day, ID Medical employees made a donation by purchasing yellow t-shirts, (kindly provided by TKing Associates) and used them as a blank canvas for creative designs, especially for Seth. Altogether, raising a phenomenal £1,120.27.

All monies raised will go to The Bubble Foundation which works to save the lives of babies and children born without an immune system.

ID Medical’s montage of photographs will join hundreds of others on Seth’s map of the world in his hospital room where he will pin all the countries where people have been proudly wearing his favourite colour yellow.

Join the amazing support for Seth and The Bubble Foundation on Twitter – #WearYellowforSeth.

Together we will make the difference.


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