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Our Fundraising Challenge to Support NHS Trusts Across the UK

Jun 29, 2015.

Maintaining its reputation as a true advocate of corporate social responsibility (CSR), ID Medical, the UK’s leading medical recruiter, has recently launched its new CSR strategy which sees the company conducting various fundraising events throughout the year to support NHS trusts across the UK.

Holding preferred supplier contracts with over 90% of NHS trusts nationwide means ID Medical works closely with the majority of hospitals in the UK, and acknowledges the hard work of their in-house charity teams and the fundraising objectives they need to meet to make the difference to patient care and safety.
With this, ID Medical will be holding a combination of fundraising activities through the remainder of 2015 which will include company dress down days, family fun days and team building days out. Its first fundraising dress down event in line with this new strategy took place on Friday 26th June 2015 and employees raised a total of £485.49 to support NHS trusts.
Our Fundraising thermometer to help  Support NHS Trusts Across the UK
Caryn Cooper, head of Marketing at ID Medical commented on the company’s planned CSR activities, “ID Medical is founded upon developing open partnerships to make a positive difference to both local and wider communities.
“We strive to create a positive working environment for all ID Medical employees and many of our CSR initiatives are established by our employees themselves. Fundraising is just one way in which we offer practical guidance and assistance to support NHS trusts and our valued NHS clients.
“In 2014 we raised over £10,000 but this year, with further events in the pipeline, we have set ourselves the challenge to reach £20,000 by the end of 2015. We have life-size thermometers placed in all main reception areas of our offices to display our progress, as we work as one team to help our clients meet their fundraising objectives.Together we know we will make the difference.”
View ID Medical’s history of CSR and fundraising activities.


We’re the UK’s biggest supplier of locum doctors to the NHS – working with 90% of the country’s hospital trusts! If you’re looking for the best job opportunities for medical professionals, get the best shifts available as a locum, want to experience the fantastic benefits of working as a nurse in the NHS, or need advice about junior doctor rotations, sign up with us today via the button below!
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