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ID Medical Spearheads Ebola #StopTheSpread Relief Campaign

Nov 26, 2014.

On Wednesday 26 November 2014, ID Medical spearheaded an Ebola #StopTheSpread relief campaign to raise money for the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC).


stopthespreadcampaign ID Medical Blog


The fundraising initiative involved all staff who each wore an item of red to work and took part in an Instagram photo shoot at the healthcare recruiter’s headquarters in Milton Keynes. All in all, ID Medical raised a fantastic total of £335 – its employees’ fundraising total was matched pound-for-pound by the company.

The Ebola virus disease originated in Africa and mainly affects three countries in West Africa; Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Around 14,413 cases and 5,177 deaths have been reported by the World Health Organization. ID Medical saw this as time to take action, launching its ABOLish EBOLA #StopTheSpread campaign to bring together its 400+ workforce, candidates (doctors, nurses and allied health professionals) and clients (NHS trusts).

In order to raise awareness of this devastating outbreak and raise money for the vital work the DEC does, ID Medical invited its staff to have their photos taken with the ID Medical Instagram prop board and join the #StopTheSpread social media campaign –

ID Medical continues to call upon its candidates and clients to make a generous donation through its dedicated JustGiving page. To donate and make a difference, click here.

United, with a stronger force against the battling disease, we will make the difference.


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