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The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Jan 6, 2020.

With up to 60% of the human body being made up of water, staying hydrated is key to maintaining positive health! According to the NHS, people should try to drink about six to eight glasses of water a day, however, most people drink below the recommended daily amount.

To help you with staying hydrated throughout the day, we’ve created a calculator to help you measure your daily fluid intake:

Men need around 3 litres of water (13 cups) and women require 2.2 litres 9 (cups) a day, but it can be difficult to remember to drink this much water. By using our widget above you can find out your ideal amount, which will help you to stay hydrated.
Getting the right water consumption is a balancing act to ensure your body is performing efficiently. Dehydration can cause a variety of symptoms including headaches, fatigue, lack of focus, dizziness and fainting.
Staying hydrated helps you to avoid those symptoms; and has numerous benefits to your health, such as:

  • Promotes cardiovascular health
  • Keeps your body cool
  • Helps muscles and joints work better
  • Keeps skin supple
  • Cleanses your body inside and out

So don’t forget to stay hydrated and take regular sips throughout the day. Try to drink before you find yourself thirsty and if you need reminding why not invest in a reusable water bottle?

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