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300 Players Take Part in Remembrance Weekend

Nov 11, 2014.

ID Medical is the main sponsor of Woburn and Wavendon Football Club (formerly Woburn Lions FC) whose young players wore a special poppy on their shirts for Remembrance Weekend.

Woburn and Wavendon FC ID Medical Blog


300 young players from Woburn & Wavendon Football Club proudly wore a special Remembrance Day poppy on their shirts this weekend. The Club was able to donate £300 to the Royal British Legion through the poppies4kits appeal. Nationally the appeal raised an amazing £18,500.

All the players observed 1 minute’s silence ahead of their matches, and were proud to wear the poppies on their shirts just like players in the Premiership.

A delighted WWFC Chairman, Ian Doggett, commented, “I am so proud of the support and enthusiasm the players and families have shown to the remembrance weekend appeal. Not only does it offer grass roots football the same participation as the top Premiership Clubs, it also involves the children in a way that will stimulate their interest and understanding of the huge sacrifices made by so many”.


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