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Our ‘Pride Without Prejudice’ campaign raises funds for the Philippines

Nov 22, 2013.

Responding to the disaster caused by Typhoon Haiyan, multi-disciplinary healthcare recruiter ID Medical this week launched its ‘Pride Without Prejudice’ nationwide fundraising campaign to help ensure the people of the Philippines receive the life-saving emergency help they urgently need.


Today (Friday 22 November), the force of almost 300 ID Medical employees came to work wearing one of the company’s five vibrant logo colours, a brand every member of staff is proud of, and will each donate a minimum £2 to the cause, with the company directors pledging to match pound-for-pound the total raised by ID Medical staff.

The philanthropic initiative, underpinned by ID Medical’s ‘Together we will make the difference’ philosophy, also invites the recruiter’s valued customers to join its employees in raising funds for the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) – the organisation which coordinates responses to major disasters overseas, enabling the British public to donate to British aid agencies in times of crisis.

Caryn Cooper, ID Medical’s head of marketing and CSR ambassador commented, “With many of ID Medical’s candidates originating from the Philippines, we really wanted to involve everyone in our fundraising campaign; employees, candidates and clients. It’s about everyone uniting, coming together to make the difference and giving all we can to support the people of the Philippines following their catastrophic ordeal.”

One nurse from the Philippines working through ID Medical responded to the Pride Without Prejudice fundraising campaign: Thank you ID Medical group. This means a lot to all of us Filipino people. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”

ID Medical has set up a JustGiving page for donations towards the Pride Without Prejudice – which will go directly to the DEC and will be sharing the fundraising campaign’s progress via its social networks.


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