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Our Message to the Chancellor: Introduce Death-in-Service Rights for All
Our Locums and returning medical professionals proving vital in the fight against Covid 19, it’s time their lack of Death-in-Service rights were reviewed.
With every single Hospital facing a once in a lifetime event, the nation’s Locums and returning personnel have answered the call in their thousands to help fight the pandemic; risking their own lives to assist in maintaining exceptional levels of patient care.
Our close relationships with all our healthcare professionals has however, revealed a problem which is causing them a great deal of concern; and that’s the lack of death-in-service support the Government currently offers Locums and returning professionals. Should the worst happen, it can potentially lead to the families of those affected missing out on crucial financial assistance as a consequence of them caring for the health of a nation.
As one of the UK’s largest medical recruiters, we have a duty of care to all our healthcare heroes; so, we felt it right that we highlight this issue to the UK Government and have written directly to Chancellor Rishi Sunak MP for his assistance with this matter.
Whilst we’re aware that the Government and the Healthcare Secretary Matt Hancock recently announced that families of frontline NHS and social care staff will each receive a £60,000 payment should they die from Coronavirus, we feel more can be done for our essential Locums and returning professionals. An excerpt from our letter is shown below:
“As the BMA has recently warned, Locums and returners have yet to receive any assurances from your Government over their death-in-service rights. We’re now approaching the second month since Covid 19 reached the UK and was declared a global pandemic, yet there has still to be any official response to this urgent matter – and we believe this is having a serious effect on the morale of both Locums and returning medical professionals.”
“When considering the current crisis, we believe that now more than ever, this critical part of the NHS frontline would be grateful for clear guarantees from your Government over death-in-service rights to allow them to work with confidence during these challenging times.”
We will of course update you all if and when we receive a response to our letter. In the meantime, the team here at ID Medical is on hand 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you. Stay safe, and thank you all for your incredible efforts over the past few months.
Get in Touch
If your NHS trust is interested in going digital to help alleviate the stress on your staff, we can support you with an all-encompassing solution: digital consultations, clinics and triage assessments to suit your individual trusts needs.
In the last 12-months, we’ve treated over 13,000 patients and IDMCS are immensely proud of our overall 97% patient satisfaction feedback score.
Want to know more? We’d be delighted to speak with you – just give us a call on 01908 552 820 and we’ll be happy to help.