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Milton Keynes’ Fastest Growing Company Welcomes Local MPs

Jan 26, 2015.

ID Medical, Milton Keynes’ Fastest Growing Company in the UK’s fastest growing city, welcomed local MPs Mark Lancaster and Iain Stewart to its headquarters on Friday 23 January.


At a meeting held at ID Medical’s headquarters on Friday 23 January, directors Deenu Patel, David Newton and Ranjit Nandha, together with Mark Lancaster MP (Milton Keynes North) and Iain Stewart MP (Milton Keynes South), outlined the current support each provide and how they will continue to champion growing businesses in Milton Keynes.

Earlier this week a Centre for Cities report showed Milton Keynes leads the table for the city with the biggest jobs growth with an 18.2% rise in employment since 2004, ahead of London and Cambridge.

ID Medical, which supplies healthcare professionals to the hospital and is an active supporting member of Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, has pledged to offer its support to the well-established charitable community in Milton Keynes.

Deenu Patel, ID Medical’s managing director commented, “ID Medical is Milton Keynes’ fastest growing company; steadily achieving exponential growth year on year, growing by 33% in 2014 alone. It was a pleasure to welcome local MPs Mark Lancaster and Iain Stewart to our community aware organisation. We look forward to working closely with key local organisations and partners to support plans for Milton Keynes Hospital.”

Milton Keynes North MP Mark Lancaster commented, “Both Iain and I were delighted to see Milton Keynes named as the best city in the UK for jobs growth this week. ID Medical is a great example of an expanding business here in MK and their success is evident by the hundreds of jobs they have created for local people.”

Iain Stewart, MP for Milton Keynes South added, “We witnessed today another strong message from another MK business. Not only are ID Medical a successful employer, they are continuing to recruit and grow, clear evidence that the economy and confidence in the business sector is on the rise.”


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