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A Thank You To all Mental Health Professionals

May 19, 2020.

This week we’re celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week (18th- 24th May 2020), and to mark this event, ID Medical wants to dedicate this blog post to highlight the valuable contribution mental health professionals make every day, and the impact that social approaches to mental health have on people’s lives.

Research reveals that in England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem such as anxiety and depression, in any given week. This is why we want to share exactly what mental health is, the NHS’ approach to mental health, skills needed to work within the sector and how to successfully obtain a job within the industry.

What is Mental Health?

It may seem an obvious place to begin, but it’s important to understand that a career in mental health will provide you with a broad range of experiences. Mental health is more than anxiety and depression; it can cover trauma, phobia, addiction and much more that you should be away of from the start.
According to, ‘mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, feel and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make choices.’
The roles of those who choose to work in mental health are crucial, as mental health conditions left untreated can often lead to more serious and sometimes life-threatening situations – which is why ID Medical want to say, thank you.

The NHS’ Mental Health Commitments include:

Mental health is outlined as a priority within the NHS, which is set out in the NHS England Mandate. This reflects the agenda described in the five-year forward view, which gave a clear commitment to driving a more equal response across mental and physical health.

1.Children and young people

Their ambition is to support CCGs to work with partners to build effective mental health services for children and young people.

2. Adults

The NHS wants all Mental Health services to be transformed by the end of 2020, with the ambition of putting mental health on an equal footing to physical health.

3. NHS-led Provider Collaborations

Supporting the delivery of new ways of working across mental health NHS trusts within local areas to improve specialised mental health services.

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What mental health career opportunities are available in the UK?

Mental health professionals come in all forms, including: Mental Health Counsellor, Psychiatrist, Mental Health Social Worker, Mental Health Nurse, Psychologist, Elderly Care Worker, Mental Health Advocate, GP or Hospital Administration, Clinical Secretary and Counselling Administrator – thank you.

What skills are needed for mental health workers?

Mental health professionals all require a broad range of skills which include: a great communicator and listener, assertive, ability to remain calm under pressure, quick thinking, reliable, trustworthy, empathetic, caring and compassionate.

Secure work in the UK with ID Medical – Sign Up With Us Today!

If you’re an international or domestic medical professional who is seeking work within the NHS or a private healthcare organisation, We can help you with:

  • Securing a job opportunity
  • The relocation process: Tier 2 visa applications, flights, accommodation
  • Settling into the UK: Securing schools for your children, help setting up a UK bank account
  • Ongoing Support: Your journey with us will never come to an end, we will be there to support you whenever you need us

For help with your new NHS role, email your CV to us at Alternatively, just hit the ‘Sign Up’ button below to register with us today!
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