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What to expect from a medical recruitment agency in 2021

Jan 4, 2021.

With such important and demanding job roles, when it comes to securing your next hospital shift, we believe the process with a medical recruitment agency should be simple, efficient and care-free as possible.

With plenty of medical recruitment agencies to choose from, we’re here to inform you of five essential features of your chosen agency – and remember, if you’re agency is lacking, change.


The most logical first test is their length of time within the industry… the longer the agency’s been established the more industry knowledge and expertise they’ll possess. By opting for an agency that has a wealth of experience, they’ll be an agency you can trust; they’ll confidently understand your job needs, requirements, expectations and have the ability to negotiate your market rate.

In addition, a highly-experienced medical recruitment agency means access to the majority of NHS trusts, nationally – securing you work, wherever you are.


The advancement of technology in our everyday life is rapid. From contactless, 5G to smart homes – the list is endless. In our eyes, it should be the same for medical recruitment. We’re always looking to make processes faster and receive information more quickly. So, what can your medical recruitment agency offer you?

For example, recruitment is based on communication to bring together mutual beneficial relationships. So, in 2020 what’s the fastest way individuals can contact one another? So, ensure that your agency allows you to directly contact your dedicated Recruitment Consultant via text, WhatsApp or email as opposed to waiting in long-phone queues; it’ll take the stress away from sending in your time sheets and receiving your next shift offer.

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Going the Extra Mile

The NHS is at the heart of the UK and what makes up the NHS? Our amazing healthcare heroes.

Of course, all recruitment agencies should provide good customer service which can mean friendliness, reliability and understanding needs’ but you need to pick an agency that will go the extra mile.

What would be considered as going the extra mile?

  1. Innovative technology: Today’s world is more fast-paced than ever before which is why you deserve payment technology that seamlessly integrates into your busy lifestyle. Wherever you are, whatever your payments may be, your recruitment agency should have the ability to immediately send your money right to your fingertips.
  2. Available for support: The right medical recruitment agency will understand you, your achievements and also your tribulations. Sometimes, even our carers need care and your agency should offer you exactly that. Can you text or ring them anytime? Do they have a dedicated support service you can go to? Do they regularly check in on you and your family? Ultimately, do they offer more than just regular shifts?
  3. Candidate, Client and Employee Celebration: The best recruitment agency is more than just an organisation who supports individuals find work – it notices, acknowledges and celebrates.

Awards and Accolades

Having plenty of choice can be both a gift and a curse and so, if you’re still unsure on which agency to choose from why not rely on the wisdom of the masses? By checking out their reviews, social media comments, testimonials, frameworks, awards and charity work can give you a true indication of what the agency represent, in addition to their goals and business’ mission.

Instead of a business telling you what’s good, let them show you.


Last but certainly not least is the value of time – by testing how much time a recruitment agency is able to give you will demonstrate how they stand out for their competitors. Remember, medical recruitment is a people-powered industry so; they should take the time to get to know you, inside and out – matching your talent to the perfect hospital in a way that benefits all parties.

By viewing how much time an agency is able to offer you will bring all of the above together: how well do they know the market? What innovative technology do they possess? Will they go the extra mile? Do their awards truly represent them?

We hope you found this useful and as always, any questions or if you need any support you can contact us here.