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Getting Behind The Great Daffodil Appeal For Marie Curie Cancer Care

Mar 31, 2016.

Every March thousands of people across the country join together to get behind the Great Daffodil Appeal and raise money for Marie Curie nurses who provide care and support for people living with any terminal illness, and their families.

ID Medical didn’t fall short with its efforts this year for the Great Daffodil Appeal as they extended their support beyond collections. In addition to placing daffodil boxes in reception areas at its Milton Keynes headquarters, ID Medical gave all staff, and its dedicated nurses, the opportunity to make someone’s day by sharing their ‘Messages of Hope’ for those affected.

“Sometimes we need someone to simply be there…not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let us feel we are supported and cared about.”

Marie Curie Cancer Care provides expert care, guidance and support for more than 40,000 terminally ill people and their families in the UK each year to help them get the most from the time they have left.
Here at ID Medical, our relationships with candidates and clients are built using a personalised approach. By providing ever-lasting support, the ultimate aim is to ensure we recognise candidates’ requirements and they understand how much we value each and every one of them.
This daily approach and company work ethos inspired staff to reach out to terminally ill patients and share motivational messages in the hope to provide strength during this difficult time.
Here’s a few of our favourite messages …

“Live for today, love for tomorrow, and laugh at all your yesterdays”

“Today is a gift, that’s why they call it ‘the present’”

“You are stronger than you think”

“Live for today and make it so beautiful that it’s worth remembering”

“Some infinities are bigger than other infinities”

“Cherish every moment. It’s about focusing on the fight and not the fright”

“Don’t be shy – ask for a hug. You are loved!”

“Those we love can never be more than a thought away…for as long as there’s a memory they live in our hearts to stay”

Do you have a message you’d like to share with us? It’s never too late to put a smile on someone’s face. Submit here.
Alternatively help Marie Curie and the great Daffodil Appeal continue to provide their outstanding work with a donation today. Big or small, together we will make the difference!

ID Medical works with 90% of NHS trusts, helping both domestic and international doctors and nurses secure their dream NHS post.

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