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The Digital Future of Healthcare

Jan 30, 2020.

Almost every aspect of modern life has been radically reshaped by technology, and the future of healthcare is no exception.

Technology is continually opening up new possibilities for prevention, care and treatment, but how will technology transform the future of healthcare? We’ve analysed data from the NHS Long Term Plan to reveal what the future of healthcare will look like. View the infographic below to find out more.
The Digital Future of Healthcare Infographic

Looking for your next career move in healthcare? Sign up with ID Medical today!

If you’re an international medical professional who is seeking work within the NHS or a private healthcare organisation, please do email your CV to us at and we can support you on your journey to the UK.
We can help you with:

  • Securing a job opportunity
  • The relocation process: Tier 2 visa applications, flights, accommodation
  • Settling into the UK: Securing schools for your children, help setting up a UK bank account
  • Ongoing Support: Your journey with us will never come to an end, we will be there to support you whenever you need us

At ID Medical, we’ll be here to support you throughout every single step of the way. JUST HIT THE ‘SIGN UP’ BUTTON BELOW!
Register with ID Medical today by hitting this button!

Join our Facebook Group – IMGS: The UK Doctors Network

We post daily blog posts, updates and insights into how to successfully relocate to the UK and join the NHS! What’s more is you can ask us your relocation questions and get specialist advice and guidance! Just hit the ‘learn more’ button below!

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