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ID Medical Gets Festive for Leo’s Appeal

Dec 15, 2014.

On Friday 12 December 2014, ID Medical took part in National Christmas Jumper day and raised a fantastic total of £389.84 in support of Milton Keynes Hospital Charity and Leo’s Appeal.


All ID Medical staff were invited to model their best (and most Christmassy) Christmas jumper at work and donate a minimum donation of £2 as we supported Leo’s Appeal, whose ultimate aim is to raise £200,000 to enhance children’s services at Milton Keynes Hospital and the Milton Keynes Hospital Charity – whilst spreading Christmas cheer.

Since its launch in 2013, Leo’s Appeal thrives to ensure every child admitted to the hospital receives the best care possible, and along with their mascot Leo the Lion, they encourage the Milton Keynes community to support local children and their families, whether giving financially, volunteering time or donating gifts in kind.

ID Medical has been supporting Leo’s Appeal since its launch and is proud to be a participating member of #TeamLeo.

To support Leo’s Appeal and raise essential funds for children, young people and their families in Milton Keynes, donate here today.


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