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Self-Help and Coping Tips in Depression Awareness Week

Apr 20, 2015.

ID Medical, the UK’s leading multi-discipline healthcare recruiter is supporting Depression Awareness Week, which takes place every April in a bid to help Depression Alliance raise awareness and bring people together to end the loneliness and isolation of depression.


Depression is often a term used loosely. There are times when we all feel sad or hopeless but depression is different. It’s not something you can ignore.

The feeling of depression is deeper, longer and more unpleasant than the short episodes of unhappiness that everyone experiences occasionally. It’s important to reach out to those suffering to reassure them that they are not alone, as well as their family and friends, so they can support their loved ones in the right way.

Are you or someone close to you experiencing a complex mix of the symptoms below?

Persistent sadness, loss of interest in life or hobbies, indecisive,loss of appetite and weight, difficulties going to sleep, thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Depression is something that develops gradually. You may not even realise that you are depressed which is why it’s absolutely vital for everyone to understand the initial signs of stress and depression so you can seek help yourself and those around you can understand what you’re going through. According to the Mental Health Foundation, 1 in 4 people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year.


How can you help yourself?

  • Open up and tell someone how you feel.
  • Keep active – doing things can help to take your mind off thoughts which have made you depressed.
  • Eat well.
  • Avoid alcohol – this can make your depression worse.
  • If you can’t sleep, take up reading or watch TV to help you relax.
  • If you know what’s causing your depression, sit down and think of actions you can do to tackle it. Ask for someone else’s opinion too.
  • Keep hopeful – This is a very common experience and you’re not alone.
  • Visit your GP – they can offer counselling and in some cases provide medication.
  • Call the Samaritans on 01908 667 777. A lot of people think it is for the elderly but they do great work with many mental health issues and can really help both sufferers and carers.


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How can you help someone who is suffering from depression?

  • Listen to them but try not to judge them.
  • Don’t offer advice until they ask for it.
  • Help them find a solution if they ask for help.
  • Spend time with them and encourage them to do the things they used to enjoy.
  • Offer to go to the GP with them.
  • Be there.

Another way to deal with depression is to join a community:

Friends in Need

Friends in Need is a free and supportive community for everyone affected by depression, which finds you new friends in your local area and online so you’ll always have a safe and friendly space when you need it most.

Depression Alliance

Depression Alliance is a support network which offers a safe, friendly and easy way to share understanding, information and friendship through depression and recovery. They are also a supporter of Depression Awareness Week.


Moodscope is a tool which can help you monitor your mood over a period of time to see if you can pin point when and potentially why your mood is how it is. is a web space for people to share, discuss and offload personal problems, find support and get useful information with live daily chat sessions and 1-1 online counselling. You can also track your mood and thoughts to help you understand what effects your mood and receive mood management skills to help fight the depression.

Mental Health Foundation

ID Medical works closely with the Mental Health Foundation (MHF) to promote Depression Awareness Week and the support the Foundation can provide to individuals experiencing some kind of mental health issue. The MHF is working for an end to mental ill health and the inequalities that face people experiencing mental distress, living with learning disabilities or reduced mental capacity.

ID Medical’s dedicated Mental Health division supplies mental health professionals to over 75% of NHS Trusts in the UK, so supporting those suffering from depression couldn’t mean more to us.

Join us in showing support for Depression Awareness week, whether that’s by donating or simply raising awareness.

Together we will make the difference. 



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