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The Benefits of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) in Healthcare

May 26, 2021.

Are you looking for flexible access to CPD courses as a way of maintaining and developing your skills?

If you’re a healthcare professional working, or looking to work, in the healthcare industry, it makes sense to seek and strive for ways in which to improve and enhance the skills you’ve worked so hard to gain. But, if you’re busy working in healthcare, finding time to fit in CPD courses can be a challenge.

CPD explained

CPD is a term used to describe valuable learning activities that aid professional and personal development through specifically designed opportunities such as courses and workshops. CPD courses also carry points (that are the equivalent of hours) and obtaining a certain amount of points (depending on whether you’re a doctor, nurse, midwife etc.) is an essential part of revalidation.

Annual CPD is an expected requirement for licensed doctors, surgeons and physicians in order to be seen as fit for practice and as a way of keeping up to date. The usual expected requirement of CPD over a 5-year period is a minimum of 250 hours, which averages out as 50 hours per annum.

This expectation, whilst essential, can take up a lot of time in the life of strapped-for-time healthcare professionals, which is why looking for courses that are designed to slot into your free time is essential, especially as there are so many other benefits to CPD…

Confidence, credibility and care

Whilst revalidation is a key component when it comes to taking a CPD course, they are also an ongoing educational, confidence building and credible tool; providing a valuable and enriching way to keep developing and stay ahead in a field where the information you need to do your job and improve patient care outcomes is continually evolving. These enriching aspects reveal themselves in a number of ways, including:

  • Building on what you already know, and adding more knowledge to your personal databank
  • Equipping you with additional information to cope positively with change
  • Showcasing your achievements with confidence
  • Demonstrating your learning agility
  • Learning new skills
  • Taking on new responsibilities
  • Progressing in a new specialism
  • Expanding upon, and creating further awareness for, vital skills such as:
    • Active listening
    • Attention to detail
    • Conscientiousness
    • Critical thinking
    • Empathy
    • Interpersonal skills
    • Keeping calm under pressure
    • Teamwork
    • Time management

Vital for NHS staff

CPD is classed as vital for NHS staff – and it is written into the NHS Constitution that trusts invest in the development and skills of all their full and part-time employees. This is because the NHS (as well as private healthcare sectors) recognises that aside from the importance of CPD for career progression, it is a great way of ensuring standards are kept high and consistent. CPD also improves quality of care by ensuring all staff have the skills they need to treat patients and it keeps staff up to date with their regulatory body.

CPD courses can encourage greater work engagement within the workforce too, as well as a general commitment to job roles. And when a number of employees undertake CPD courses, there is an opportunity to share best practice and support.

If you are interested in taking a CPD course/workshop to aid your career progression, for revalidation purposes or to expand upon certain skills, we have a range of courses/workshops that you can easily fit in around your work in our relaunched ID Medical Academy.

All our courses are just three hours long and online via zoom for comfort and ease, and If you’re already registered with us, you’ll be eligible for a discount, which is automatically applied when you apply your registered email for one of our courses.

To find out more information on our courses and how to book, please visit ID Medical Academy.

Find out what our healthcare professionals think of the ID Medical Academy below!

‘After today, my behaviour and understanding of my feelings/reactions towards my job will be different… in a more positive way.’ – Operating theatre nurse (scrub)

‘Speakers were excellent, they took the trouble to explain and ensure we understood everything.’ Doctor – Psychiatrist

‘Addressed leadership qualities but other soft skills like team building, giving feedback and how to react to conflicting situations.’ – Radiology Doctor