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3 tips on how to safely spread Christmas cheer this festive year

Dec 21, 2020.

Without stating the obvious, this year’s been a tough one for every single person on the planet and it’s safe to say that most people will be pleased to see the back of it. But Christmas is soon approaching and although it might be different to our usual festive break, it’s important we take time out to not only count our blessings; but to spread a bit of love, light and Christmas cheer to others.

So, to get you into the festive spirit, here’s our top three tips on how to safely spread some much needed cheer this Christmas…

Connect with people who bring you joy, even if it’s digital

This year has been spent with too much time away from our nearest and dearest and it’s been hard. Christmas as we know is all about spending quality time with loved ones and even if it’s unsafe to do so in person – there’s still the internet that allows us to always stay connected.

Whether you opt for a Zoom Christmas party, socially-distanced walk or a Christmas morning present-opening-Face-Time-session , take the time to plan it out and you’ll soon notice how connecting with the voices that lift your spirits will leaves you both feeling that little bit more cheery.

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Break free from the normal traditions

Traditions and Christmas go side by side; but due to Covid, there will definitely be some challenges in sticking to them. This year, we may not be able to do big family meals, Santa’s grottos, Christmas carolling and midnight mass – but, why don’t we take this opportunity to try and create new traditions that bring happiness, positivity and most importantly, hope, for a better New Year?

Perhaps you could start going on Christmas morning walks with extended family or if you want something a bit more fun, a Zoom Christmas quiz night? There’s plenty of ideas out there to get you in the Christmas spirit but it might just take a bit of imagination to see what suits your family.

Give love to those you don’t know

With Covid pushing over 2 million UK families into poverty, this year it’s important to look beyond our own lives and make an effort to support others. The easiest option would be to donate to amazing charities such as your local food bank, The Samaritans, Mind, Shelter, Turn2Us, Save The Children UK, Secret Santa and Giving Tree.

If you want to go one step further, perhaps you could do some volunteering to support those in need? First up, you could volunteer as a call companion – did you know that more than 1.4 million older people suffer from lonliness? An incredible charity Re-Engage is on a mission to ensure that no one over the age of 75 spends Christmas alone. So, you could volunteer with them to simply be a voice to talk to, share stories as well as offer vital support. Secondly, you could volunteer with your local food bank, feeding the familiies living in poverty – making their Christmas Day as special as possible.

Alternatively, you could participate in the Christmas shoebox appeal, where people create a unique shoe box filled with different, fun, festive gifts for children across the entire UK who need our help. A task that may take you an hour can transform a child’s entire day.

Christmas Day 2020 will be time stamped into your memory forever, so why not make it a special one by stepping outside of the norm and making spreading some Christmas cheer a new personal tradition? Prioritise staying in touch, create new traditions and support society.

Merry Christmas,

ID Medical

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